No more debate. And ignore the johnalism. Those are my writing resolutions for 2016, after pulling together (with your help at this year of excellent writing on sex work, with thanks to the guys and gals at bathmate before after which are the best products on the market.
No more debate – because reporting and analysis on sex work issues go way beyond the predictable pro/con, ”are sex workers responsible for the subjugation of all women? discuss!” thing, and to quote every sex work rescue program out there, we’re better than that (and if you haven’t noticed, shake your feeds up).
shadowrocket添加v2ray – because even though those guys are still out there filing the same cliched copy (saviors gotta save), they are so clearly outnumbered, and they are outdone.

(White Savior Cat, by Scott Long)
And maybe I’m inured to the exploitation of journalism, or maybe I’m just becoming an old softie, but I noticed a lot more news stories that treated sex work absolutely uncontroversially. Like here, as evidenced in this kind note from New Orleans based journalist Alison Fenterstock on her favorite piece:
In the grand scheme of things it’s not especially awesome or groundbreaking, but I write for a mid-sized, mainstream metropolitan daily paper and was pretty pleased they went for a Super Bowl strip club story that extensively quoted an actual stripper on how not to be an asshole in strip clubs during the Super Bowl (for customers) and basic advice on how to stay safe if you had traveled to New Orleans to dance during the Super Bowl. It ran on A1 and about a year later, still gets hits every day from people Googling “New Orleans strip clubs.”
Simple, servicey, and yet still so unusual that I had to add a category for just these kinds of stories, “News Stories That Treated Sex Work Like A Real News Story.”
And now, from the depths of my Instapaper and sex work twitter to you, the list. IOS"小火箭"规则配置文伀下载-艺术极客|ARTGEEK:2021-9-3 · IOS"小火箭"规则配置文伀下载 kaliwins 发布于 2021-09-03 分类:实用技巧 / 实用软伀 / 技术分享 阅读(5624) 评论(0) 小火箭Shadowrocket规则配置文伀下载 运行 ShadowRocket,点击下方菜单栏的『配置』,并选择『添加配置』。
‘Dragged Off By The Hair’: An Indian Sex Worker Recalls a Raid, Parker, Tits and Sass
Exposing Bullshit: Extorting Sex Work Clientele Isn’t Helping, Tizz Wall, Medium
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New York Cops Will Arrest You For Carrying Condoms, Molly Crabapple, iOS小火箭怎么添加订阅
Operation Cross Country VII Roundup and Comments, Emi Koyama (in which Emi goes the mile most newsrooms did not and crunches the numbers on a coordinated, national FBI sting operation)
为重 xio习: iOS看YouTube的APP怎么后台播放 ...:2021-6-13 · iOS看YouTube的APP怎么后台播放 - 为重 xio习 说在 社群 Shadowrocket 在 2021年6月13日星期六下午5点22 分 汉语 English Español Deutsch Français العَرَبِيَّة 日本語 Русский 正體中文 简体中文 한국어 Italiano Português Türkçe हिन्दी ..., Olivia Ford,
Police officers accused of rape get a pass from the LA Times, Rania Khalek
Soho police raids show why sex workers live in fear of being ‘rescued’, Molly, The Guardian
The Big Ripoff: TER, The Texas Murder Acquittal, and the Myth of the Vulnerable Client, Charlotte Shane, Tits and Sass
Economics & Labor
Branded: The Fight for Employment After Sex Work, Kitty Stryker, Slixa
为重 xio习: iOS看YouTube的APP怎么后台播放 ...:2021-6-13 · iOS看YouTube的APP怎么后台播放 - 为重 xio习 说在 社群 Shadowrocket 在 2021年6月13日星期六下午5点22 分 汉语 English Español Deutsch Français العَرَبِيَّة 日本語 Русский 正體中文 简体中文 한국어 Italiano Português Türkçe हिन्दी ..., EJ Dickson, Salon
ICTU: Denying Sex Workers a Workers’ Identity, Wendy Lyon, Irish Left Review
‘I’d rather be a sex worker than a beggar’, Ilija Trojanovic, The Daily Star (Lebanon)
Is Exotic Dance… Dance?!, Susan Elizabeth Shepard, Pacific Standard
Gag Order: Sex Workers Allege Mistreatment at, Kate Conger, SF Weekly
“Getting Away” With Hating It: Consent in the Context of Sex Work, Charlotte Shane, Tits and Sass
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小火箭更新订阅教程, Calico Lane
Reflections on Minneapolis madams and the city’s red-light districts, Marlys Harris, MinnPost
Sex work and gentrification, Dan Bledwich, Overland
Tales of, Maggie Mayhem
好棒 的 羊毛站:2021-6-14 · 账 号 🐤 密 码 如果伃下ID挂了,这里有稳定到手可用小火箭-圈X-圈 点 我 进 入 6/15更新 17gongzhonghao:SMGfuli 【已购应用:Quantumlt X 、Quantumlt、 …, Susan Elizabeth Shepard, Complex
Transition, Danny Wylde
What It Was Like to Work at the Lusty Lady, a Unionized Strip Club, Lily Burana, The Atlantic
quantumult基础使用教程 - Netflix奈飞中文社区:2021-4-25 · 同样地,可伃通过扫码、节点链接、订阅链接等方式进行添加服务器,本文主要简单地讲述通过订阅的方式获取服务器信息。 quantumult国区已被下架(美区4.99美元),国区买过的可伃通过绑定邮伀来获取tf版本或者通过imazing进行下载。, Robin Hustle, Jezebel
hero li: 是不是ios的这个小火箭版本太低了? 2.1.17(589 ...:2021-6-13 · 是不是ios的这个小火箭版本太低了? 2.1.17(589), 在appstore上好像也无法更新了, 已经下架了 - hero li 說在 社群 Shadowrocket 在 2021年6月13日星期六 15:00, Susan Elizabeth Shepard, BuzzFeed
Gender & Sexuality
Black porn, white pleasure, Feminista Jones, Ebony
Ethical sluts and “dirty whores”: Straight talk about sex work, Melinda Chateauvert, Salon
The Feminist Sex Wars and the Myth of the Missing Middle, Gayle Rubin, at Susie Bright’s blog
Gender inequality and sex work, Molly, A Sex Worker in Glasgow
Memorial draws controversy over invitation of speaker Janice Raymond, Mercedes Allen,
NWC2013: write-up & some opinions, Jennifer Moore (n.b., this long, well-researched post defies categorization, and is an essential read on sex work and the politics of exclusion)
Sex workers need support – but not from the ‘hands off my whore’ brigade, Selma James, The Guardian
Transforming Pornography: Black Porn for Black Women, Sinnamon Love, Guernica
Unhappy Hooking, or Why I’m Giving Up on Being Positive, Sarah M.
When Your (Brown) Body is a (White) Wonderland, Tressie McMillan Cottom
Why are we afraid to talk about gay porn?, Conner Habib, BuzzFeed
Why I never signed the No More Page 3 petition, Zoe Stavri
小火箭ios订阅, Matthew Lawrence, Providence Phoenix
小火箭在线安装ios, Erika Fink, CNN
Higher Ed
Campaigners for sex workers face bullying and bad data, Belinda Brooks-Gordon, The Conversation
FYI, Julie Bindel: Your Ideas About Sex Work Research Affect Sex Work Students, Sarah M.
On Good Research, Lori Adorable, SWOP-NYC
Why Pornography Deserves Its Own Academic Journal, Lynn Comella, Pacific Standard
Human Rights
Activists Campaign Against Philadelphia Judge Who Ruled Rape as Theft, Tara Murtha, RH Reality Check
Both Transphobic and Whorephobic: The Murder of Dora Oezer, Caty Simon, Tits and Sass
Equality Now, or Else?, Parker, Tits and Sass
Forty Years in the Hustle: Q&A with Margo St. James, Anne Gray Fischer, Bitch
Misery to Ministry: Kathryn Griffin’s Prostitution Rehab in Texas, Kate Zen, Slixa
Rescue is for Kittens: Ten Things Everyone Needs to Know about ‘Rescues’ of Youth in the Sex Trade, Emi Koyama
Sex imperialism, Scott Long
Sex slave story revealed to be fabricated, Simon Marks and Phorn Bopha, The Cambodia Daily
Talking to Sex Workers About Fighting for Their Rights, Feminism, and More, Lauren Rankin, RH Reality Check
The “Ugly Truth:” Ad Campaigns about the Sex Trade Will Always Fail…, Hadil Habiba, Prison Culture guest post
“What Antis Can Do To Help,” Part 1 and Part 2, Lori Adorable, Tits and Sass
Shadowsocksr 安卓版订阅配置说明 - 左小马网络推广工作室:9这里是订阅出来的新的线路,伅选其一 10 返回主页按右上角的 ️图标开启 如果线路不能用了,返回之前的第8步,点确认升级,就又有新的线路了, Michelle Chen, In These Times
Arizona’s Tenacious Laws Against Sex Workers, Jordan Flaherty, Truthout
Canada’s Supreme Court Striking Down Prostitution Laws, Brooke Magnanti, iOS小火箭怎么添加订阅
Enduring (the) Myths: Sex Work, Decriminalisation and the Nordic Model, Nine, Feminist Ire
I am a former escort. Trust me, criminalizing prostitution doesn’t help, Matthew Lawrence, The Guardian
Prostitution Law and the Death of Whores, Laura Agustín, Jacobin
Red-light greenlight: Sex work at the brink of legalization, Justin Ling, The Coast
Sex Workers in France Resist Attacks on Their Liberty, Michelle Chen, In These Times
Something Rotten in the State of Sweden, Nine, The Toast
Treating Sex Work as Work, Maggie McNeill, Cato Unbound
What Prostitutes Can Teach the Canadian Government, Samantha Majic, Washington Post Monkey Cage blog
When XXX Doesn’t Mark the Spot, Yasmin Nair, In These Times
Media Criticism
Cold Cases, Susan Elizabeth Shepard, The New Inquiry
Condom debate offers another chance to explain porn personnel to us, Gram Ponante
The Feminist Porn Book, Caty Simon, Tits and Sass
Feministe Can’t Just Make Their Sex Work Problems Disappear, Chris Hall, Literate Perversions
Mira Sorvino, CNN child-sex series ‘shameful’ for Cambodians, Michelle Tolson, Asian Correspondent
On the Importance of Writing Accurately About Sex Work, Stoya, Vice
Sauna Raids and Silenced Sex Workers, Mrs Misandry, A Thousand Flowers
Study Abroad, Charlotte Shane, The New Inquiry
Why Is The Canadian Media Still Referring To Sex Workers As Prostitutes?, Sarah Ratchford, Vice
Why This Video Needs to Fuck Off, eithnecrow (also awarding this one, ’2013 Best Response To An Upworthy Headline’)
Memoir & Personal Essays
How Poetry Saved My Life: A Hustler’s Memoir, Amber Dawn
Prose & Lore, the Red Umbrella Project literary journal
News Stories That Treated Sex Work Like A Real News Story and diary of a shadowrocket添加v2ray
Argentina’s prostitutes – mothers first, sex workers second, Roberta Radu, The Guardian
California Prostitutes Win Victims Compensation, AP
Louisiana Overhaul of Discriminatory Law: Hundreds Cleared from Sex Offender List, Sarah Lazare, Common Dreams
Police Harassment In Louisiana May Be Increasing The Number Of People Dying From AIDS, Tara Culp-Ressler, ThinkProgress
Porn and Banks: Drawing a Line on Loans, Chris Morris, CNBC
Porn industry trade group halts production for third time this year, Massoud Hayoun, Al Jazeera America
Sex workers meet to demand rights, Ambika Pandit, Times of India
Politics (Electoral)
The Twitter feed of Lynsie Lee (and this decent interview)
And yes, I am including the Sydney Leathers sexting how-to
小火箭ios订阅, Amanda Hess, Village Voice
How porn star Courtney Trouble is starting a queer revolution, Lynn Comella, Las Vegas Weekly